At Kohler, we believe every generator we make—every weld, wire and circuit—is a testament to our quality. That’s why our latest marine gensets are smaller and quieter with less vibration than ever before. We design and build these machines to exceed certified class society standards. The result: the most advanced, most reliable generators we’ve ever made.
We created the first marine generators with built-in paralleling controllers. Our PGEN connection parallels up to eight KOHLER generators of varying sizes with a single communication wire. When the first generator’s load is light, the second generator automatically drops off. When the load is heavy, the second generator automatically comes online to provide the power needed to carry the load.
On a pleasure craft, comfort is king, and vibration an unwelcome guest. That’s why we go to great lengths to ensure the only thing you feel from your generator is peace of mind. Our proprietary vibration mount cushions the engine as it moves to eliminate vibration. It’s what separates our marine generators from all others.